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The most common problems that cause a BMW transmission to malfunction include Low transmission fluid level The vehicle will drive OK at first and then go into limp mode Fluid leaking around the oil pan gasket or wire harness plug to the transmission is common on high mileage BMW vehicles Defective mechatronic unit A prevalent issue is a 禁止发布色情、反动及广告内容! 高级模式 发表于 925 没研究过,但如果有这个功能,就比较复杂了。 如果感应到车内有刚才用到的钥匙,那么就不能自动落锁,(万一没有设置手机APP,不能用手机开锁); 如果没有感应到,那么就落锁 ? 但 If your engine does not crank when you push the start button in your BMW, then you may be experiencing one of these problems Weak key fob battery Damaged key Defective pushbutton start system Bad fuel pump or relay Worn spark plugs Damaged fuses or relays Engine temperature sensor or PCM coolant sensor
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